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How to Succeed With Locum Tenens
Intro - Why Change Jobs?
Change jobs and dream big (1:46)
Important Disclaimer
The Treadmill Problem (5:52)
Locum Tenens - The Basics
What is locum tenens and why does it exist? (2:51)
How locums works (6:09)
How you get paid $$$ (9:08)
Negotiate! Negotiate! Negotiate! (2:38)
How to find locums jobs (4:30)
Your Insider's Guide
Setting everything up and arranging your trip (5:39)
My experiences - your insider's guide (10:28)
Tips for success (7:30)
The Good and the Bad
What's great about locum tenens (5:32)
The trouble with locums (know the risks) (8:34)
Are YOU a Good Candidiate for Locums?
Locums may be perfect if... (8:02)
Locums may be a risk if... (13:49)
Your perfect alternative to RETIREMENT (4:21)
The Business Stuff
LLCs, taxes, retirement savings, and insurance (11:20)
What Questions to Ask Before You Take Your First Assignment
The questions you should ask (8:18)
FAQ (14:18)
The future is yours (3:56)
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Negotiate! Negotiate! Negotiate!
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